
Statement of Purpose:

The scholarship is designed to promote the diversity among residency physicians at Eisenhower to serve patients in various communities and backgrounds. We hope this scholarship would be one of the means to help the U.S. achieve equity in health care. The scholarship will be given to underrepresented medical students, including but not limited to, minority students or those with financial hardship.

Applicant Requirements:

  1. Must be a fourth-year medical student from either an underrepresented racial and ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, financial hardship, and/or disability.
  2. In good academic standing: have passed USMLE STEP 1/COMLEX 1, no remediation during medical school.
  3. Applied and accepted for an Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, or Internal Medicine Clerkship (or) Residency Interview at Eisenhower Health and participate in “2nd look/in-person visit” during the residency application process. 
  4. Letter of recommendation.
  5. Personal Essay: Evidence of diversity leadership, community outreach/volunteer, financial hardship.

Scholarship Award Includes:

  1. Financial support up to $1,000 to use toward travel and housing expenses to facilitate the applicant to attend a rotation, in-person residency interview, or invited for a second look visit at Eisenhower Health.
  2. Mentorship during the Eisenhower clerkship rotation and throughout residency application process.

Scholarship Timeline:

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis but the scholarship will be awarded to support applicants who are interested in applying for a clerkship or scheduled to interview with EM, FM, or IM at Eisenhower Health.

Policies & Procedures:
  1. Eisenhower Health is committed to ensuring that all scholarships are awarded through a fair and impartial process.
  2. Scholarship Committee members may not benefit personally from the selection of scholarship recipients. For example, Scholarship Committee members may not have family members who are applicants.
  3. Eisenhower Health will take appropriate steps to protect the personal information and confidentiality of applicants and grantees, in accordance with applicable law.
  4. The proceedings of the Scholarship Committee and the scholarship award process are at all times subject to Eisenhower Health’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policy and other policies and procedures, and the oversight of Eisenhower Health’s Board of Directors.
  5. Scholarship funds that have been, or that appear to have been, diverted from their intended purposes will be investigated, and reasonable and appropriate steps will be taken to recover such funds. Scholarship recipients are not eligible for an additional scholarship if they have not demonstrated that the initial scholarship funds were used for the intended purposes, to the extent required.
  6. Eisenhower Health will, and is legally required to, retain full control and discretion over all charitable contributions that it receives. Donors may not earmark or require contributions to go towards a scholarship for a specified individual. Any fundraising conducted by Eisenhower Health will not state or imply otherwise. Nonetheless, donations and grants to Eisenhower Health may be restricted for use for scholarships, and donors may even recommend certain applicants. However, donations and grants may not be earmarked for specific applicants. Eisenhower Health shall have sole discretion and control at all times over the process for selecting scholarship recipients.
  7. Eisenhower Health will retain appropriate records of the scholarship process, including (without limitation) information and documentation utilized in evaluating applicants, the basis on which scholarship recipients are selected, the name, address and school for each recipient, the party to whom the award was paid and the date thereof, transcripts and other information used to ensure that the scholarship funds were used for the intended purposes, and documentation of efforts undertaken to investigate and recover any funds that may have been diverted from their intended purpose.
  8. These guidelines and the application form are subject to review and modification periodically, in Eisenhower Health’s sole discretion, with or without notice.
Eisenhower Health Graduate Medical Education (GME)
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