Emergency Medicine

Information For Applicants

Eisenhower Health participates in the match process. National Resident Matching Program (NRMP): ACGME-accredited residencies match offered through the NRMP is the matching program used by the Eisenhower’s Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine and Internal Medicine Programs.

Eisenhower Health participates with the NRMP to provide the opportunity for applicants to consider selection options. Medical students who rotate in our Emergency Medicine Clerkship and apply are all invited to interview and should not use an AAMC preference token for our site. The residency program directors and staff evaluate the qualifications of all applicants to the programs before deciding who will be offered positions. Ten categorical positions are matched for the first year of the Emergency Medicine residency.

The NRMP Matching Process at Eisenhower Health

Applicants requesting application information from the residency programs are directed to the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Applicants submit their application with their required letters of recommendation, transcripts, and dean’s letters through ERAS for first year Positions.

Eisenhower Health accepts the universal application and requires all materials to be submitted in full before an interview may be scheduled.

Minimum Applicant Requirements

  • Pass USMLE Step 1 on first attempt
  • Pass USMLE Step 2 CK on first attempt
  • Pass COMLEX Level 1 on first attempt
  • Pass COMLEX Level 2 CE on first attempt
  • NO Visas will be sponsored
  • ECFMG certificate must be issued prior to the start of residency
  • Post medical school graduation less than five years

The deadline for applications is November 30.

NRMP Program Code



Ten categorical positions per year are available for our three-year Emergency Medicine residency.

Program directors and recruiting team members determine who will be invited to interview. Interviews are scheduled weekly from mid-October through mid-January. Informational program packets are distributed during the interviews. The interview team members then submit their ratings and collectively prepare a rank order of candidates. The designated staff person then enters the ranking list prior to the submission deadline.

As soon as the match results are received and are appropriate to release, the results are shared with each program director and letters of appointment are mailed and e-mailed to each new resident member.

2024-2025 Interview Dates:

  • November 5
  • November 12
  • November 15
  • November 19
  • December 10
  • December 17
  • January 7
  • January 14
  • January 21
  • January 28

Eisenhower Health is the Right Choice

Named one of the Nation's Top Teaching Hospitals
Learn from top clinicians who support you
Develop your skills by practicing on a diverse patient population


All information submitted to the NRMP on the rank order lists is confidential. It will not be released or revealed in any manner that permits individual identification of either applicants or programs during the process.

For further information, please contact:

Program Director
Matthias Barden, MD


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